
How to evaluate ourselves ? 1 [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]

   We think that we know ourselves well more than anybody. But, didn't you have any experience that you disagree your boss's assessment about you? Didn't you have any experience that the speed of your promotion is slower than you think? If no, it is not necessary to spend your time to read this.

  Normally many people have this experience and don't understand the reason clearly? We tried to understand that the boss doesn't know well what I did or I didn't perform as a Yes Man whom he likes or company's financial situation didn't allow the promotion etc...

   However, if you are in the management position, you disagree this comments. You are assessing your staff very precisely, you didn't point out the improvement points so straightly, though. If you do so, your staff might be depressed heavily.

   It is like the famous Johari Window theory, there are the window which we don't know but others know.

  However every one of us want know where we are , which area we have improved or have to improve.

  In order to know this, there are appraisal, reflection survey or employee survey in the company like an annual health check.

  Do you remember the result of your annual health check well? Are you doing the action which the doctor advise you? Don't you feel down when the next health check will be done in the next week?

  Yes, we are easily forget the result of health check. If so, how about the comments which your subordinates and peer gave you in the annual reflection survey?

  It might be good to understand us in a comprehensive way.

  Before this, let's us know how to evaluate our competency for the managers or leaders.




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" A Good Boss" syndrome [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]


  "A Good Boss" syndrome happens during the appraisal time every year.

   One of the most important role of bosses is to develop their subordinates. Hence, they should not see themselves as "judges" when assessing their subordinates during the appraisal time but as "trainers" in developing them to acheive their goals.
  However, bosses tend to be lenient "judges". Although company sets the bell curve rating guidelines such as 10% of 'A' , 10% of 'D' etc., they  will try to avoid giving the 'D' rating.
   Why is it so? It's because it is a "No Win" situation for bosses. The under performed staff will become depressed if bosses were to really rate them poorly. That's all!
   As long as bosses see themselves as "judges", it will be so.  However, if they are "trainers", they will put up the correct assessment and try to develop their staff.
  The same scenario happens when it comes to promotion. The "Judge" boss will recommend their subordinates for promotions as much as possible because this is the easiest way to motivate staff.
   Hence, it is crucial for company to ensure "fairness" in promotions. Otherwise, employees will complain, "Why he or she is promoted?", "Why not me?", "That boss is promoting his or her YES MAN only.", "Because he or she has been working in the company for long?" etc. Staff will start leaving the company, especially the young and capable ones.
   Therefore, HR plays an important role in ensuring all fairness by thoroughly reviewing promotion recommendations against the promotion guidelines such as  job size expansion, past competencies rating etc.
   All in all, it is not easy to dismiss "A Good Boss" syndrome.
   Bosses will always try to recommend their staff for promotions and use all means to negotiate with HR. Should the recommendation be rejected, this is how they are likely to explain to their subordinates.
   "I did 'fight' a lot with stuborn HR to promote you but sorry, I was unable to convince them."
   And they hope that their subordinates will say, "My Dear Boss, thank you for your efforts. I appreciate it."
   At the end, these bosses are able to gain good reputation for themselves. They have won the game but might failed to realize that it is just as important to train and develop their staff.


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格闘技 [D1.政治・経済・社会]




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What Got You Here Won't Get You There [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful

What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful

  • 作者: Marshall Goldsmith
  • 出版社/メーカー: Profile Books Ltd
  • 発売日: 2008/02/09
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

   I read this book in Japanese in 4 yaers ago , which was very insightful. He said we have 20 bad habits.

   Yes, habit#4 "Making destructive comments" can be applied to me.When I asked my wife to point out my bad habits, she pointed it as a first one.

   Destructive comments are the cutting sarcastic remarks we spew out daily, with or without intention, that serve no other purpose than to put people down,hurt them, or assert ourselves as their superiors. They are different from comments that add too much value - because they add nothing but pain.

  Habit #14 "Playing favorites" also becomes a trap for us.

  "At home,who gets most of your unabashed affection? Is it your husband, wife or partner; your kids; or  your dog?" More than 80% of the time, the winner is the dog because the dog gives you unconditional love, no matter what I do, in other words, the dog is a suck-up.  

  Leaders can stop encouraging this behavior by first admitting that we all have a tendency to favor those who favor us, even if we don't mean to.

  • 1.Winning Too Much: The need to win at all costs and in all situations—when it matters, when it doesn’t, and when it’s totally beside the point.
  • 2.Adding Too Much Value: The overwhelming desire to add our two cents to every discussion. The problem is, you may have improved the content of my idea by 5%,but you've reduced my commitment to executing it by 50%,because you've taken away my ownership of the idea. My idea is now your idea.
  • 3.Passing Judgment: The need to rate others and impose our standards on them.
  • 4.Making Destructive Comments: The needless sarcasms and cutting remarks that we think make us sound sharp and witty.
  • 5.Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However”: The overuse of these qualifiers, which secretly say to everyone, “I’m right. You’re wrong.”
  • 6.Telling the World How Smart We Are: The need to show people we’re smarter than they think we are.
  • 7.Speaking When Angry: Using emotional volatility as a management tool.
  • 8.Negativity: The need to share our negative thoughts, even when we weren’t asked.
  • 9.Withholding Information: The refusal to share information in order to maintain an advantage over others.
  • 10.Failing to Give Proper Recognition: The inability to praise and reward.
  • 11.Claiming Credit We Don’t Deserve: The most annoying way to overestimate our contribution to any success.
  • 12.Making Excuses: The need to reposition our annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so people excuse us for it.
  • 13.Clinging to the Past: The need to deflect blame away from ourselves and onto events and people from our past; a subset of blaming everyone else.
  • 14.Playing Favorites: Failing to see that we are treating someone unfairly.
  • 15.Refusing to Express Regret: The inability to take responsibility for our actions, admit we’re wrong, or recognize how our actions affect others.
  • 16.Not Listening: The most passive-aggressive form of disrespect for colleagues.
  • 17.Failing to Express Gratitude: The most basic form of bad manners.
  • 18.Punishing the Messenger: The misguided need to attack the innocent, who are usually only trying to protect us.
  • 19.Passing the Buck: The need to blame everyone but ourselves.
  • 20.An Excessive Need to Be “Me”: Exalting our faults as virtues simply because they exemplify who we are.

 If you can measure it, you can achieve it.

  Memo to staff how to handle me.

  The 95-year-old you understands what was really important and what wasn't, what mattered and what didn't. What advice would this wise "old you" have for the "you" ?

From Publishers Weekly

Goldsmith, an executive coach to the corporate elite, pinpoints 20 bad habits that stifle already successful careers as well as personal goals like succeeding in marriage or as a parent. Most are common behavioral problems, such as speaking when angry, which even the author is prone to do when dealing with a teenage daughter's belly ring. Though Goldsmith deals with touchy-feely material more typical of a self-help book—such as learning to listen or letting go of the past—his approach to curing self-destructive behavior is much harder-edged. For instance, he does not suggest sensitivity training for those prone to voicing morale-deflating sarcasm. His advice is to stop doing it. To stimulate behavior change, he suggests imposing fines (e.g., $10 for each infraction), asserting that monetary penalties can yield results by lunchtime. While Goldsmith's advice applies to everyone, the highly successful audience he targets may be the least likely to seek out his book without a direct order from someone higher up. As he points out, they are apt to attribute their success to their bad behavior. Still, that may allow the less successful to gain ground by improving their people skills first. (Jan. 2)

He has his own web site. Check it up.
31 books in 2012

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ゴルフ [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]


Sentosa Tanjong 107 F34%(F5,P1,B1) P1,B6,PT44,I40


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コンカツ? [人事4-キャリアプラン]



  • 作者: 石田 衣良
  • 出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋
  • 発売日: 2012/04
  • メディア: 単行本



   シカゴ大学教授のゲイリー ベッカーが「人間行動への経済的アプローチ」(1976)によると、経済額的アプローチによれば、ある人が結婚を決めるのは、結婚に期待される効用が、独身でいることに期待される効用を上回っている時だ。アラフォーになると、女性の「種の保存」本能の出産という期待される効用はなくなり、経済的にも独立しているので、経済的効用も薄まる。親と同居している場合は、孤独感を解消する効用もそれほど高くはない。つまり、単に漠然とした将来に対する保険的なパートナーを得る期待効用となる。そうすると、今の自由な生活を犠牲にしてまでして、結婚する必要があるのかということになる。上記のように、そのパートナーは、出産時期を過ぎた女性を選択する確立は非常に少ないので、自由な生活を犠牲にしようと思うような素晴らしいパートナーにめぐり合う確立は極めて少ないということになる。   「それをお金でかいますか」マイケル サンデル

  こんな文章もありました。「これからのニッポンでは、給料はあがらないのだ。適度に働き、なによりも生活をたのしむ。経済が成長しなくとも、幸福を増やしていくことがきっとできるはずだ。」登場人物がポジティブに生きるさまを描いたものですが、私にはこれは、日本人の学習性無力感(Learned helplessness)に感じました。もう一生懸命働いても経済は回復しないし、給料もあがらないと。



Aグループ ;いつも十分成功しうるような、やさしい到達目標が与えられた

Bグループ ;やさしい目標に中に、ときどき高い目標を意図的にまぜた。 到達目標を達成できないという「失敗」経験を、5回に1回の割で 与えた。

 このような治療教育を25日間続けてから、教育効果をはかるテストをした。 (なお最初にことわっておかなかったが、全員は失敗にであうと やる気をなくす無力感の子どもたちであった)

  Bグループの子どもたちは、問題のむずかしいテストを受け、失敗にであっても それ以後にガクンと成績が下がる子どもはいなかった。 それどころか、失敗の後、努力して成績が上昇するのが見られた。 これに対してAグループの子どもたちは、失敗にであうとガクッとくずれ 今までの力が出せなくなる傾向はそのままだった。 失敗を克服可能なものとみて、ねばり強く取り組む傾向は、単純な成功経験だけ を与えたのでは強められなかった。

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ゴルフ [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]


Tanah Merah Garden 110 F9(64%,B1,P2) PT36 B5 P2 I50


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バブル入社と失われた20年 [人事4-キャリアプラン]






 2001-6年は、小泉政権下で、銀行の不良債権処理を進めて完了し、大企業は業績が改善した。日経平均株価も上昇し、2006年には、17,225円をつけた。2001年iPod発売、2004年より、大ヒット。2000年、GoogleがYahooのサーチエンジンに採用され、普及しだした。2000年代前半、ベンチャーがもてはやされるようになったが、2005年ライブドア事件、2006年村上ファンド事件が起こり、日本からは、ベンチャー スピリットは消え去った。











「私をスキーに連れてって」 1987年11月公開

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This time for Africa - Kenya [B1.旅行・出張]


  Kenya is my 86th country where I have visited. Actually I had a plan to visit Kenya 17 years ago, but couldn't. Now I realized.

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How to be a brilliant thinker - 思考力を鍛える30の習慣 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

How to Be a Brilliant Thinker: Exercise Your Mind and Find Creative Solutions

How to Be a Brilliant Thinker: Exercise Your Mind and Find Creative Solutions

  • 作者: Paul Sloane
  • 出版社/メーカー: Kogan Page Ltd
  • 発売日: 2010/02/28
  • メディア: ペーパーバック


  • 作者: ポール・スローン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 二見書房
  • 発売日: 2011/01/11
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
Do you want to have great ideas? Do you want to break out of the rut of conventional thinking? Would you like to be a genius? Would presenting brilliant ideas help in your job, career and social life? "How to be a Brilliant Thinker" will help you to achieve all these ideals, by helping you to think in powerful new ways. It shows you how to harness techniques in lateral thinking, analytical thinking, problem analysis, idea generation and other areas so that you become much more creative. You will be able to conceive, evaluate and implement great ideas as well as improve your memory, sell your ideas and win arguments. It is packed with practical methods that you can put to immediate use, backed up by exercises, puzzles, quizzes, graphics and illustrations.

■ 自分の考えと矛盾する事実があったら、それを受け入れられる
■ 言葉を操る能力を常に高めようと努力している
■ ものごとの理解や伝達や説明に、図や絵を役立てている
■ 新聞やインターネットで、自分の考えの正しさを検証しているか
■ 結論に飛びつく前に、じゅうぶんに質問をしている
■ 突飛な組み合わせを思いつける
■ 数多くのアイデアを出してから、それを絞り込む作業をしている
■ ペア式順位法など、厳密な判断のためのツールを使っている
■ 教えたり、説明したりするために、物語が使える
■ 重要度の低いことは誰かに任せたり、切り捨てたりできる
29 books in 2012

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The Watchman's Rattle - 文明はなぜ崩壊するのか [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Watchman's Rattle: Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction

Watchman's Rattle: Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction

  • 作者: Rebecca D. Costa
  • 出版社/メーカー: Virgin Publishing
  • 発売日: 2011/02/01
  • メディア: ペーパーバック


  • 作者: レベッカ コスタ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 原書房
  • 発売日: 2012/03/09
  • メディア: 単行本
   Why does it feel as if our most challenging problems today- the worldwide recession, global warming, fast-spreading viruses, terrorism and poverty - aren't getting solved? What if our brain has limits that prevent it from solving such complex problems? If ancient civilisations collapsed because they, too, hit a cognitive limitation, are we headed for a similar collapse, and if so, can it be prevented? Using historical and modern-day examples, "The Watchman's Rattle" describes the cognitive gridlock 「認知閾(にんちいき)」 that sets in when complexity races ahead of the brain's ability to manage it. Beginning with the Mayans, Khmer and Roman Empires, Costa shows how the tendency to find a quick fix to problems by focusing on symptoms instead of searching for permanent solutions, leads to frightening long-term consequences: Society's ability to solve its most challenging, intractable problems becomes gridlocked, progress slows and collapse ensues.
  But, as Costa reveals, there is a growing body of scientific evidence that the human brain can be retrained to comprehend, analyse and resolve massively complex problems. A process of intuitive thinking, which Neuroscientists refer to as 'insight'. Part history, part social science, part biology, "The Watchman's Rattle" is sure to provoke, engage and incite change.
  One of the essential messages of Costas' book is to look beyond "memes" -- widely held beliefs, conventional wisdom or behaviors -- and to challenge the five "supermemes" that defeat humans even before they engage the problem. Costas says supermemes encompass "any belief, thought, or behavior that becomes so pervasive, so stubbornly embedded, that it contaminates or suppresses all other beliefs and behaviors in a society."
   What are the five supermemes? 
 1) Irrational opposition (不合理な反対) 
 2) The personalization of blame (非難の個人化) 
 3) Counterfeit correlation (偽の相互関係) 
 4) Silo thinking (サイロ思考) 
 5) Extreme economics (行き過ぎた経済偏重)
3)脳はゆっくりとしか進化しないのに、世の中の問題は猛スピードで複雑さを増していく。この落差が「認知閾(にんちいき)」 cognitive gridlock ということになる。人類が誕生して以来、全ての文明はこの認知閾に直面した。認知閾の出現は、文明崩壊の始まりでもある。
●チンパンジーの恐るべき変化; トークン使ってお金の原理(食べ物を交換させたり)を教えると、最終的には経済原理を理解すると、トークン目当ての強盗や売春行為が始まった。
●ブレイン フィットネス
28 books in 2012


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心を上手に透視する方法 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: トルステン・ハーフェナー
  • 出版社/メーカー: サンマーク出版
  • 発売日: 2011/08/25
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
Thorsten Havener
Mind Readingの本です。
●NLP神経言語プログラムーミラーリング 相手と同じ動作をすると相手の内面で何がおきているか感じ取ることができる。
●あるアンケートで、一番怖いことは何かと聞いたら、1番が大勢の人の前でスピーチをすることで、死は2番。 「つまり、誰かの葬式で人前に立って弔辞のスピーチを行うよりも、自分が棺おけに横たわるほうがましってことさ。。。」
27 books in 2012

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なぜ、日本企業は「グローバル化」でつまずくのか [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]



  • 作者: ドミニク・テュルパン,高津尚志
  • 出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞出版社
  • 発売日: 2012/04/03
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー) 
 しかし、ホワイトカラーのグローバル化では、苦戦しており、欧米のグローバル企業には、だいぶ遅れています。これは、そのKey Pointである「Diversity」が得意でないためです。多様性のある組織を運営しようとすると、先輩のやり方や経験・感というのだけでは、困難だと思います。きちっとした理論などをちゃんと学習しておかないとグローバル化という難題には対処できないと思います。



著者略歴 (「BOOK著者紹介情報」より)


26 books in 2012 

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結晶性知能 crystallized intelligence (今までの経験的長期記憶) [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


  中年期(40-50歳代) 獲得、成長、加算、完成の時期と、衰退、制限、喪失の時期の間が中年期であり、知識志向(新しい人と出会うことに関心がある)から情動志向(長い間知っている人との接触を好む)へ移行する、子育てとともに親の介護にも携わるなどや発達的締め切りを意識する時期でもある(中年期の危機)。 よって、個人が自らの発達をどう制御していくかの発達的制御 development regulationが重要になる。そのために、一次的コントロール primary control (周りを変えていく)と 二次的 secondary control (自分を変えていく)を必要で、その弾力性(レジリエンス)が重要となる。たとえば、情動的安定を求めるために、少数との付き合いだけやるより、同時にSocial Networkを広げる努力もするということである。

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サラリーマンの一生 [人事4-キャリアプラン]







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心理学入門 [D3.心理学・哲学]



  • 作者: 榎本 博明
  • 出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞出版社
  • 発売日: 2011/04/16
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

●並み以下の能力を向上させるために無駄な時間を使ってはならない。強みに集中して取り組むべきである。無能を並みの水準にするには、一流を超一流にするよりもはるかに多くのエネルギーを必要とする。 - ドラッカー

●キャリアアンカー; 仕事における自分の拠り所を知り、ここが自分の居場所と感じる職。専門コンピタンス。



25 books in 2012

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課長塾 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

部下を持つ人の教科書 課長塾 (日経BPムック 日経ビジネス)

部下を持つ人の教科書 課長塾 (日経BPムック 日経ビジネス)

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 日経BP社
  • 発売日: 2011/09/14
  • メディア: 大型本



先行き不透明感が漂う日本経済。その閉塞感を打破し、沈滞ムードを一掃できるのは、現場のリーダーとして自ら采配を振るう「課長」。単にマネジメント手法に長けているだけでなく、 部下をまとめ、方針を打ち出し、志気を盛り上げる真のリーダーはどうあるべきか?この一冊でリーダー育成とチーム作りの要諦が分かる!

■君たちが主役だ ―トップからのエール
■会議の達人 すぐに使える5つのテクニック
24 books in 2012

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Harvard Business Review 2012 Apr [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2012年 04月号 [雑誌]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2012年 04月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
  • 発売日: 2012/03/10
  • メディア: 雑誌



23 books in 2012

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BYOD - Bring Your Own Device [人事5-CSR・健康経営・人事部・労務]


  When we talk about WLB-Work Life Balance, I think that it is crucial to control the on and off time of your work. We should have some kind of switch to do so. When you want to be relax at home, you should forget about your work so that you will be able to balance your work and your life.

  Is it applicable for the youth?

  Today,I had an interesting talk with youth. They gave me some idea about BYOD, which stands for "Bring Your Own Device" idea. Employees can use their own favorite devices for their work so that they can use these devices anywhere and anytime.The youth support this and feel empowerment.I heard that some companies such as P&G have introduced this idea.

  Can they be relax in this circumstances? 

  I have started to be convinced that Generation C or digital native might can manage this sirtuation as my generation used to study at home listening radio or music at midnight. Our parents didin't understand how we could concentrate into study in such a noisy situation at that time.

  If this is true, we should consider this way, which will motivate the youth.

  What do you think?

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こうして会社を強くする [D4.経営戦略]

こうして会社を強くする (PHPビジネス新書)

こうして会社を強くする (PHPビジネス新書)

  • 作者: 稲盛 和夫
  • 出版社/メーカー: PHP研究所
  • 発売日: 2011/03/19
  • メディア: 新書


22 books in 2012 

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なぜあの人は人前で話すのがうまいのか [C3.プレゼンテーション・ボイトレ (話す)]



  • 作者: 中谷彰宏
  • 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
  • 発売日: 2007/12/07
  • メディア: 単行本


話し下手でも大丈夫!人前でうまく話すための本。「司会者が紹介してくれている間、自分を見ている人を探す 」「話しの「入り方」と「終わり方」だけ事前に決めておく」など、話し方のコツ満載です。
21 books in 2012

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Conservation of Species - 種の保存 [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]


 An Animal has the instinct of conservation of species and the one of self-preservation. And he prefers the conservation of species to a long living so that this species will be able to exist in this planet.

  Human does a similar action. Sometimes they sacrifice themselves in order to let the children grow.

  How aboout in the enterprises? The small companies or the owner companies tend to put a high priority to develop their employees - sometims thay might have to do that for their self-preservation.

  Currently, it is common sense that it is impoortant for the companies to develop the employees. However,I have some doubt whether all the management are willing to do so instinctly.

  What does it means?  We may not be on the same boat, we call this as OUR BOAT,though.

  How can we make it the same boat?

  Well, I think that it is important to share and get the consensus of the core value and mission of the company and feel pround of it.

  We should feel that we are same kind of species or family so that we should conserve this species in the future...


  動物には、種の保存(Conservation of Species)本能と自己保存(Self-preservation)の本能(instinct)が備わっているのだそうです。そして、自己保存より種の保存の方が強く、長生きよりも子孫の繁栄のほうを望むのだそうです。よって、その生命体は地球に存続することができると。


 それでは、企業においてはどうでしょうか?昔の家族主義的な会社や小さな企業やオーナー企業では、後進の育成の重要度が高いまたは高かったのではないでしょうか。これは、若手が育ってくれないと「自己保存」 もままならないこともあったかもしれません。




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