
Carrots and Sticks  ヤル気の科学 [D3.心理学・哲学]

Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives to Get Things Done

Carrots and Sticks: Unlock the Power of Incentives to Get Things Done

  • 作者: Ian Ayres
  • 出版社/メーカー: Bantam
  • 発売日: 2010/09/21
  • メディア: ハードカバー
ヤル気の科学 行動経済学が教える成功の秘訣

ヤル気の科学 行動経済学が教える成功の秘訣

  • 作者: イアン エアーズ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋
  • 発売日: 2012/10/25
  • メディア: 単行本

  If you want to commit to do anything, go to


  The US stationary retail company, STAPLE, utilize this StickK for their marketing promotion. It’s awesome, isn't it.

  This is a marvellous book. YOU MUST READ!



 Could you lose weight if you put $20,000 at risk? Would you finally set up your billing software if it meant that your favorite charity would earn a new contribution? If you’ve ever tried to meet a goal and came up short, the problem may not have been that the goal was too difficult or that you lacked the discipline to succeed. From giving up cigarettes to increasing your productivity at work, you may simply have neglected to give yourself the proper incentives.

In Carrot and Sticks, Ian Ayres, the New York Times bestselling author of Super Crunchers, applies the lessons learned from behavioral economics—the fascinating new science of rewards and punishments—to introduce readers to the concept of “commitment contracts”: an easy but high-powered strategy for setting and achieving goals already in use by successful companies and individuals across America. As co-founder of the website (where people have entered into their own “commitment contracts” and collectively put more than $3 million on the line), Ayres has developed contracts—including the one he honored with himself to lose more than twenty pounds in one year—that have already helped many find the best way to help themselves at work or home. Now he reveals the strategies that can give you the impetus to meet your personal and professional goals, including how to
• motivate your employees
• create a monthly budget 
• set and meet deadlines
• improve your diet
• learn a foreign language
• finish a report or project you’ve been putting off
• clear your desk
Ayres shares engaging, often astounding, real-life stories that show the carrot-and-stick principle in action, from the compulsive sneezer who needed a “stick” (the potential loss of $50 per week to a charity he didn’t like) to those who need a carrot with their stick (the New York Times columnist who quit smoking by pledging a friend $5,000 per smoke . . . if she would do the same for him). You’ll learn why you might want to hire a “professional nagger” whom you’ll do anything to avoid—no, your spouse won’t do!—and how you can “hand-tie” your future self to accomplish what you want done now. You’ll find out how a New Zealand ad exec successfully “sold his smoking addiction,” and why Zappos offered new employees $2,000 to quit cigarettes. 

As fascinating as it is practical, as much about human behavior as about how to change it, Carrots and Sticks is sure to be one of the most talked-about books of the year.




●人々は他人に倣(なら)いたがる。付和雷同には強力な魅力がある。ホテルの客のタオルを毎日あらわなくていいようし仕向けたい場合は、洗わないとお金を出すでもなくタオルの再利用が地球にやさしいというカードでもだめで、他のお客もみんな再利用していますよというカードをおこう。説得するときに他社比較などをすると効果的。  【付和雷同】「付和」とは、自分にしっかりとした考えがなく、軽々しく他人のことばに合わせるすること。「雷同」とは、雷がなると万物がそれに応じて響くこと。『礼記』に「勦説する毋れ、雷同する毋れ(他人の説を盗んで自分の説としてはいけない、他人の意見にむやみに賛同するものではない)」とあるのに基づく。単に「雷同」ともいう。「附和雷同」とも書く。




 しかし、行動経済学はあまたの研究からこれを防ぐ秘訣を見出したのです! それは「コミットメント」。「もし目標のマラソンタイムを実現できなかったら、反・慈善団体に寄付金を払うよ」……!? より簡単な例でいうと、「10キロ痩せたら、テレビを買う」「タバコを吸ったら罰金1万円」……すなわち「アメとムチ」です。
 え、そんなこと? というなかれ。本書は、膨大な実験的証拠から「アメとムチ」でいかに人のヤル気がコントロールできるかを解き明かします。人の心はその状況によってさまざまに違うもの。でもそれぞれに応じて、正しいコミットメントがあるはずです。

 『その数学が戦略を決める』でセンセーションを巻き起こしたイェール大教授の著者は、こうした「コミットメント」契約を提供するウェブ上の店舗「」まで開設して、コミットメントの可能性を追究しています。 ビジネス契約から、ダイエット成功までのヒント満載。知的好奇心を満足させ、実用機能も備えた刺激的な一冊です。

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The last golf in Singapore [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]

2013 Jan22 Jurong 2.jpg

 さあ、泣いても笑ってもシンガポール最後のゴルフです。「やったことないゴルフ場でやろう第三弾」ということで、今日はJurong Country Clubです。グリーンは広いけど、フェアウェイは狭いのが特徴ですか。最近リノベしてきれいになったところです。会社から車で5分なので、会社帰りにやろうぜ(ナイター設備あり)とか言ってて一回もやらなかった場所です(練習場には会社帰りに何度か行きましたが)。





2013 Jan22 Jurong.jpg

 Jurong Country Club 99 F8(57%,P3,B1) B5 P1 PT36 I39



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Farewell Party [D1.シンガポール]

2013 Jan21 Farewell by frontage (NXPowerLite).JPG

  This is the last farewell party, I will still be able to say "good-bye" to our friends in our annual Dinner&Dance party which will be held in Sentosa Resort World on this Friday though.

2013 Jan21 Farewell by Frontage (23) (NXPowerLite).JPG

  Marina Bay has become an iconic site in Singapore. However I didn't have a chance to take a photo in front of the Merlion before. It was a good chance to take with him or her.

2013 Jan21 Marina Bay (12) (NXPowerLite).JPG

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