
My 2013 New Year's Resolutions [Others]

Before going into my plans and new aims for the new year, let me review 2012: I went abroad 20 times visiting 26 countries during a total of 72 days. I read 68 books and watched 6 movies during 300 hours. I went golfing 49 times and took 15 private golf lessons during a total of approximately 330 hours. I wrote a book during about 200 hours. I took private English lessons during 30 hours. I ran a total of 935km during around 100 hours. I wrote 200 entries in my personal blog during 50 hours. This leads to a total of 1130 hours of free time spent that is accounted for.

Looking at above statistics, I feel the time spent on running seems so little. Assuming that on a working day I have 3 hours of free time and on a free day I have 11 hours of free time, this amounts to 2300 hours of free time a year. This means I merely used half of this time. The point is to figure out how to use that remaining time! Probably 400 hours of it I use for dinner. How about you?

2013 New Year’s Resolutions
So now for my private resolutions for the year 2013: Let’s seriously train for running (In Singapore it is quite hot). Let’s create a running club at the HQ in Tokyo. Then I would like to learn a lot: Take an MBA, learn about statistics and human resources theory and continue my English learning efforts. I would like to do voice training and must do golf training. I am interested in trying boxing and would like to try ‘online private fitness lessons’. I will go to art museums and would like to do some painting! Also I would like to write a novel one day. Then I would like to learn how to program Android apps. I saw on TV, that even elementary school kids can do it, so I decided to try developing my own calendar application with my most wished for functions. Finally I would like to take up base guitar again and form a band. Some of these activities should help making more sensible use of my unaccounted free time!
So what's your New Year's resolutions?

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2013年 あけましておめでとうございます [Others]




 プライベートは、ランニングをまた本格的にトレーニングしましょうかね。会社でランニングクラブつくりましょう。シンガポールは暑かったですからね。後、いろいろ学習しましょう。MBAも取りたいし、統計学も人事理論も学びたいし、英語の勉強も続けます。ボイトレもやってみたいですね。ゴルフの練習もしないとね。ボクシングもやりたいですね。オンライン プライベート フィットネス レッスンとかもあるらしいし、美術館にもいけるようになります。あっ、絵も描かないとな。アンドロイドアプリもプログラミングを勉強して、自分で欲しいカレンダー機能つくりたいですね。小学生でもできるって言うし。ベースギターも再開しようかな、だれかバンド組まないですかね。小説書くというのもありだな。



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