
イノベーションのDNA - The Innovator's DNA [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

イノベーションのDNA 破壊的イノベータの5つのスキル (Harvard Business School Press)

イノベーションのDNA 破壊的イノベータの5つのスキル (Harvard Business School Press)

  • 作者: クレイトン・クリステンセン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 翔泳社
  • 発売日: 2012/01/18
  • メディア: 単行本

  これは、素直にいい本です。どうやってinnovationを起こさせるのか、非凡な人だけの特権のようにいわれているこのスキルを科学的(経験学的)に分析し、普遍性を持たせるという論旨です。だれでもSteave Jobsになれるということですかね。




 ●質問の大切さ;最初は「現状把握」の質問、次に「可能性探求」の質問。Q/A ratio Question>Answer.

 ●映画で英語ができるようになったブラジル人をみて、Movie Mouthは映画をスローモーションさせるプロダクトを開発する。英語を学ぶためには通例の商品ではなく、映画の方が効果的(美しい英語を話す)という事を発見。俳優のセリフ回しは早過ぎるため、学習には向かなかった。スピードを落とすソリューションが商品に。→アノマリー(異常)を発見し、それを説明できるようになると、Innovationが起こる。






 ●Improvement start from "I".



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日本企業のグローバル人事戦略 Global HR strategy for Japanese firms [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]



  • 作者: 山西 均
  • 出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞出版社
  • 発売日: 2012/01/25
  • メディア: 単行本
  しかし、これも現実には、相当challengingになると思います。終身雇用の最大のメリットは、従業員が長期視点で物を考え、会社へのLoyalityを高く保てることです。このいい点を継続しつつ、流動的な雇用体系へともっていくのが、日本企業が真のGlobal企業へ変身できるKey Pointではないかなと思います。
  現実的な施策としては、GlobalでのHigh Potential Talentの育成、昇進、Rotation制度ではないかなと思います。若い世代から、こういう社員を採用、選抜して育てて幹部にするということです。そして、筆者も述べているように、会社でのKey Positionによって、給与をその国でのGlobal相場(日本相場ではなく)にあわせるというものです。
10 books in 2012

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Tokyo Marathon 2012 [A1.ランニング]


  It was a fantastic 4 hours and 49 mins journey. 

  The main reasons why I could enjoy my 15th full marathon are

  1.  Good preparation for my calf; I reinforced my legs by the muscle supporting tape and wore the compression tights so that my right calf didn't cramp and did a good job for me.

  2.  Even pace ; I know that my training mileage would bring me around 5 hours journey. So I decided to run at around 6:30/km from the beginning. "Even pace " is the best tactics for the success of marathon.

  3. Teamwork ; I ran together with one of the colleagues and encouraged each other.

  Specially "Teamwork" worked very well.

  At 9:00 in Shinjuku, we started together with 4 colleagues. It was no rain but cloudy weather, the weather forcast said a fine weather, though. Anyway no rain is a big things. We began to run with a big excitement.

  The beginning part of the marathon is fun. We could chat and enjoyed the scenery. I became a instant tour guide to explain the sightseeing spots in Tokyo. 10km split time was 1hours 4mins.

Tokyo Marathon3.jpg

  We were informed that our colleagues were waiting at 15 km point for cheering us on. Luckliy we found them in Shinagawa and they gave us a energy. Thanks!

  From this point we had started run separately and I continued with one of them. 20 km split time in Ginza was 2 hours 11mins as scheduled.

Tokyo Marathon.jpg

  Okay from now on we will do the last half part of marathon. If the legs are Ok upto 30 km point, we have a big possibility to complete it without walking.We reached 30km point, so far 3 hours 20mins. Yes still even pace. We have another 1 hour 40mins for 12km. We can run even at 8:20/km speed!!

  After having a big confidence to complete it within 5 hours, we started to encourage each other saying "Yes We can!".

  At 35km point, Our running pace slowed down a little bit as 7:12/km. We needed an extra enegy. We got the Onigiri and Miso soup by volunteer people. They support every year. "Thanks! This Miso soup is the best in the world!!"

  After having a Miso soup power, we entered into a climax stage of this Tokyo marathon where has a several uphills. We have trained at Mandai hill in Singapore as the counter measure for these uphills.

  We were shouting " One Two, One Two" each other to keep the rhythm. We could pass through this tough course at 7:30/km pace. 40km split time was 4 hours 33mins!

  I might be able to run faster than last year - 4hours 46mins. Encouraging us each other , we made a final effort to run within 4hours 50mins.

  Yes, we did. Our time was 4hours 49mins 16sec!!

  Thanks, Stanley.


スプリット (ネットタイム)
Split (Net Time)
5km00:39:22 (0:32:21)0:32:2109:49:22
10km01:11:41 (1:04:40)0:32:1910:21:41
15km01:44:35 (1:37:34)0:32:5410:54:35
20km02:18:02 (2:11:01)0:33:2711:28:02
25km02:52:39 (2:45:38)0:34:3712:02:39
30km03:27:16 (3:20:15)0:34:3712:37:16
35km04:03:22 (3:56:21)0:36:0613:13:22
40km04:40:15 (4:33:14)0:36:5313:50:15
Finish04:56:17 (4:49:16)0:16:0214:06:17

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Tokyo Marathon 2012 Tomorrow! [A1.ランニング]


  Tomorrow is the day for us to show the power. I ran alone in 2010 ,with 2 colleagues in 2011 and will run with 6 colleagues in 2012. Some Singaporean colleagues will cheer us on too in Tokyo.

   My previous three months running mileage is only 300km. The previous records were 370km which gave me the result of 4 hours 32 mins and 4 hours 46mins. Judging from this result, it will be a bit challenging for me to run within 5 hours.

  However,the weather forcast says that it will be fine tomorrow unlike two years ago. I feel some feeling of cramp in my right calf, but I will do my best!!

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SIngapore Airshow 2012 [D1.シンガポール]

2012 Feb19 Singapore Air Show (24).jpg

  Singapore Airshow is the every two years event. I went to that show with my wife and her sister.I have a chance to have a close look at the normal passenger plane but not military ones. It was a quite rare opportunity to see them.

  2012 Feb19 Singapore Air Show (32).jpg

  This is the nose of the F-15SG Eagle. The nose is fixed by an ordinary +shape screw! I may be able to take it out by my screw driver !?

2012 Feb19 Singapore Air Show (35).jpg

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社内コンペ [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]

DSC_0226.JPGOUT startの面々


Tanjong Puteri Plantation Course 108* F6(43%,P1,OB1) B1 P2 PT38 I50




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My running life [A1.ランニング]

  "Hey! Mr.Driver.Stop here,I will get off." This is my starting moment to enter into the running life. It was springtime (Apr 1999) in Japan. I was commuting to my company by bus and saw that the leaves of the trees were so green and fresh. I couldn’t help but alight from the bus and started walking, enjoying the greenery. Since then, I started walking to my company from my house, a distance of about 5km. Gradually I tried to run a bit. After 6 months, I could run to my company from my house within half an hour.

  I took apart in a total of 57 races, including 1 Triathlon, 15 full marathons and 11 half-marathons, so far. I have run in Tokyo, Singapore and Honolulu, Hawaii. My best timing for a full marathon is 3 hours 55 minutes 29 seconds in 2007; Half marathon: 1 hour 43 minutes 14 seconds in 2001.I ran the Honolulu marathon with my elder daughter in 2006,which was great fun.

  I run 2 to 3 times a week alongside the Singapore River, usually about 10km.I also join a running club in company and we run 10km every Thursday around the office area.  Recently I discovered the route from my house to Marina Bay area passing by Clarke Quay, which allows me to enjoy urban running life. It is especially nice to run at night and look at the beautiful lights.

  In addition to my fitness, running gives me encouragement for my life and inspiration for ideas. If I don’t run for some time, my body becomes heavy and I feel my mind becoming the same. Usually I set some topics to think about before running. Running stimulates my brain, clears my mind and gives me positive ideas.

  Running gives me the extra energy and it allows me to meet new people, but sometimes it is very challenging for me to run in the morning before work, especially after a late night.

  I do feel that fitness and sports can help to develop one’s discipline and focus. For example, when I took up the challenge of participating in my first Triathlon – Osim Triathlon in Jul last year, my goal was to compete and complete.

  Running was no problem for me but it was a challenge to bike and swim in the open sea. But I put my mind to it and started practicing from April, following a vigorous training program and getting up very early in the morning to train with my colleagues. I became very focused on achieving my goal, disciplined in attending the training and when I completed the Triathlon, I felt a big sense of achievement.  Similarly, I believe others participating in sports activities would also develop discipline and focus and this will have a positive impact on their work. 

  I am not actually nurturing a "running" culture.But I would say that I try to nurture a healthy environment for our organization. Personally, I promote “running” as it is my love and I’m glad to discover that many of my colleagues also enjoy running. 

   We fielded 341 runners in the 2011 Standard Chartered Marathon and achieved 5th position in the Corporate Challenge covering 5,800 km in the various categories, a marked improvement over our 9th position placing in the previous year. There was no strong directive. Rather, the good participation was due to the strong efforts of our recreation team who actively promoted this activity.  Staff who participated in previous runs also encouraged others in their own divisions to join in the fun.  As such, it became more of a team-bonding activity, with staff from the same division running together.   

  Also, we can see that running is becoming quite popular in Singapore and I think this running boom has also helped us. We are definitely continuing to have company participation in Standard Chartered Singapore marathon, as well as other runs such as JP Morgan Run and Yellow Ribbon Run. We also organize our own annual Runnig event where members from all the companies in Singapore run together and get to know one another.  

  I will go to Japan for Tokyo Marathon on 26 Feb together with 7 colleagues from Singapore and our Singaporean expatriates in Tokyo will cheer us on. 

  For those who are looking to start running ,don’t be in a hurry to finish any race. Try to enjoy the scenery during the run. When you are having fun, you will do much better.Of course, training before the marathon is still necessary, so set a training program and be disciplined in the training and focused on completing the marathon. 

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TED [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]


   Do you know TED? TED is nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out in 1984 as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment,Design.

  TEDTalks began as a simple attempt to share what happens at TED with the world. Under the moniker " ideas worth spreading," talks were released on line.

  This is quite intersting site which demonstrates a lot of thought from various speakers. For example;



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ゴルフ [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]


 昨日の running training がきつかったので、疲れがたまったままのスタートでしたが、あら不思議、何ホールか回っているうちに疲れが取れました。面白いですね、乳酸が消えてしまったのでしょうか?今日はそんなに悪くはなかったのですが、2ホール大たたきをしてまたも撃沈です。


Sentosa Tanjong 109 F6(43%,OB1,P2,B1) B2,P2, OT42,I44  



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Uphill training [A1.ランニング]


 15days to go to Tokyo. got up at 4:00 am and completed 4 hours run. 26km up and down hill..exhauseted. took Bak Kut Teh as breakfast, very tastey.

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Innovation [人事1 組織改革]


 私の論旨は、まず、日本は、戦後の高度成長期に非常な躍進を遂げた。これは、後から考えると至極当然な結果であった。つまり、戦後、何もないところから、成長を遂げたのは、米国の後を追い、Hungry精神で、それこそ低賃金で追い越せ追い抜けでやってきた。それで、成功を勝ち得た。1979年には、エズラ・ボーゲルが「Japan as No1」と持ち上げましたが、Hungryでなくなったバブル後は、韓国、中国という次のHungryな国から同じような低賃金で攻められ、今、とって変わられようとしています。


  米国が、Innovationを見出した根本の要因を考察すると、それは、Diversity「多様性」だと思います。つまり、いろんな考えを持った人を受け入れるSystemが出来上がっていたと。古くは、モンゴル帝国しかり、ローマ帝国しかり、長く繁栄した国家は、他民族でも優秀な技能を持った人を登用する仕組みが出来上がっていました。米国でも、ある程度の条件を満たせば、グリーンカードが発行されます。ハーバード大には、たくさんのインド人の教授がいると聞きます。現在、米国で成功している世界的な企業の創業者は、非アングロサクソン系です。Singaporeでも人材が国の発展には、重要だということで、バイオポリスなどをつくり、世界中から科学者を集めたり、Talent Hubを標榜し、Multi National CompanyにCorporate Universityを作ることを奨励したりしています。





 日本人は、1970-80年代の成功をまだ引きずっていて、「語学屋なんかいらないブロークンでも通じればよくて、いかに仕事ができるのかが大事だ」という語学軽視がまだあります。ブロークンJapanese Englishが通用したのは、日本ビジネスが世界に通用していた時の話です。今、そうでないときに、Diversityを必要とするなら、Communication力、つまり、英語ができないと話しになりません。

 そして、もうひとつは、その多様性を持った人の意見を英語で理解し、尊重し、その「取引コスト」を最低限にし、Innovationへと持っていけるmanagement skill と Leadership です。


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ゴルフ [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]



Sentosa Tanjong 109 F8 (57%、P2) B5, P4, PT41, I43




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Think! [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

untitled.jpgThink! No.40(2012 WINTER)

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2012/01
  • メディア: 大型本
9 books in 2012

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心に響く話し方 [C3.プレゼンテーション・ボイトレ (話す)]



  • 作者: 青木仁志
  • 出版社/メーカー: アチーブメント出版
  • 発売日: 2011/10/04
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
8 books in 2012
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Half marathon training [A1.ランニング]


  22 days to go to Tokyo marathon, which is why we did 21km long distance running this morning at 6:30 am. The weather was beauiful at East Coast park and we bumped into some firends who were early birds ,too.

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Harvard Business Review 2012 Feb [人事3-人材育成・グローバル人材・評価]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2012年 02月号 [雑誌]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2012年 02月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
  • 発売日: 2012/01/10
  • メディア: 雑誌

●The Power of Small Wins ー 進捗の法則 by Teresa M. Amabile, Steven J. Kramer 

    What is the best way to motivate employees to do creative work? Help them take a step forward every day. In an analysis of knowledge workers' diaries, the authors found that nothing contributed more to a positive inner work life (the mix of emotions, motivations, and perceptions that is critical to performance) than making progress in meaningful work. If a person is motivated and happy at the end of the workday, it's a good bet that he or she achieved something, however small. If the person drags out of the office disengaged and joyless, a setback is likely to blame. This progress principle suggests that managers have more influence than they may realize over employees' well-being, motivation, and creative output. The key is to learn which actions support progress-such as setting clear goals, providing sufficient time and resources, and offering recognition-and which have the opposite effect. Even small wins can boost inner work life tremendously. On the flip side, small losses or setbacks can have an extremely negative effect. And the work doesn't need to involve curing cancer in order to be meaningful. It simply must matter to the person doing it. The actions that set in motion the positive feedback loop between progress and inner work life may sound like Management 101, but it takes discipline to establish new habits. The authors provide a checklist that managers can use on a daily basis to monitor their progress-enhancing behaviors.

●What Brain Science Tells Us About How to Excel - 組織の活力と良循環を生む社員を輝かせる5つのステップ

●The Unselfish Gene - 利己的でない遺伝子

●Being More Productive - ビジネス アスリートの習慣

Who Moved My Cube? - 「意図せぬ交流」を促す職場デザイン

7 books in 2012

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