
Kids at Work [人事5-CSR・健康経営・人事部・労務]


  Around 80 kids of our staff were running in our office. They come here every year. This is 3rd time.  It is very thoughtful time for me because the young staff who joined our company 20 years ago has become MOM!


China Business Trip [B1.旅行・出張]


   My last visit to China is sevral years ago. China is growing at a very high speed. So I visited Shanghai to feel this growth. After Beijin Olympic and Shanghai World Expo, it seems that the growth speed has been stabilized.

Standard Charterd Marathon Singapore 2011 [A1.ランニング]


  We reached the start point at Orchard Road before 4;00am.  I didn't bring anything to check in because it took a almost one hour to do so last year. However it took forty minitues to use toilet. Again I queued up at the last part of runner.

  The runner queued up at the last part are bignner because the order of queuing up is set based on the estimeted finish time.

  I planned to start at a slower pace - 7mins/km- since I didn't do the enough training. I began to run with my collegue who challengs his first maraton. There are lots of runners, but VERY SlOW, and some of the were even WALIKNG...

  The running pace was 7.5mins/km during the first 10km, we passed 10km point for 1 hour and 15minitues. After that, it beccame less congested, so we could pace up a little bit more, but after passing anther 5km point our pace was coming down. Eventually, we passed 20km points for two and half hours. It means the average pace was still 7.5mins/km!

  Then slowly our pace was coming down. I know if I hit the wall before 30km, it would be a disaster and I had to run as an escaping survivor of a defeated army.

  The time has come at 28km points !  Oh, Gosh. REALLY SO SOON !?  I have asked my body, who relied me - Yes yo didn't train enough!.  After 30km - it took 4hours , we had to change to a very slow jog.

  Seemed my colluege had a similar situation. His hamstring was problem so he had an even worse situation. When he jogs, his hanstring is pulled with pain.

  So he couldn't do even jog. I worried about him so I proposed to walk together. He refused my proposal and let me jog alone.

  Worring about him, I decided to jog alone.  After 2,3km jog, I found him at the water spot!  Yes my jogging pace was same as his walking pace.

  So there are no reason to jog or walk individually, we decided to go together. Our pace became 11.5 mins/km.

   Finally, we have completed a loooong marathon, which took 6hours and 24 minitues.

 I am like this today...

UPHORIA [D1.シンガポール]


  We had a big youth event today. Sveral cnsumer campaign were done during this year having a lot of contest and final contests are held in today’s event. Many young people gathered and enjoy the contest and latetst products. We also did the music concert inviting Train and Mike Posner. See big crowds...

2012年資本主義経済大清算の年になる 2012:The Year Capitalism Unravels [D1.政治・経済・社会]

2012年 資本主義経済 大清算の年になる

2012年 資本主義経済 大清算の年になる

  • 作者: 高橋 乗宣
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2011/11/11
  • メディア: 単行本
 1980年代前半、レーガン政権下のアメリカでは、前政権から引き継いだ高インフレ抑制政策として、厳しい金融引締めを実施していた。金利は2桁に達し、世界中のマネーがアメリカへ集中し、ドル相場は高めに推移した。ドル相場の乱調に歯止めをかけ、「秩序あるドル安」をめざし、ドル安に誘導することがG5で合意された、これが1985年の「プラザ合意 Plaza Accord」である(円は260円から236円になった。)
 1990年代初期に、バブルが崩壊し、Japan Moneyのアジアへの流入はひとまず途絶えた、日本は「失われた10年」へなだれ込んでいく。1995年の1ドル80円が1998年には140円まで落ち込んだ。行き場を失った円は、証券投資へと移動する。低金利・低為替の日本で安く調達した資金をドルに換え、そのドルで、ドル連動制を敷いている高金利のアジア諸国に投資して利ざやを稼ぐ、いわゆるキャリートレードである。これは成長資金ではなく投機的短期資金である。
 この投機的短資が東アジアの奇跡を東アジアのバブルに変身させた。1997年から、バブルは崩壊しだし、東アジア諸国はドルペッグ制を守りきれなくなり、彼らの通貨は暴落する。日本も不良債権処理問題が出て、ヘッジファンドに預けていた低金利のJapan Moneyは日本国内へ大逆流し始めた。
66 books in 2011
