
Capitalism for the long term [D1.政治・経済・社会]

 Some people say that the financial deficit of the business is evil. Is it really true ? The lack to execute the company's mission or putting the first priority as profit in a short term isn't evil?

  The recent HRB article points out these issue as the capitalism for the long term. They thow the question that though the company have to take care all stakeholder specially share holder, is it necessary to take care of the high speed trader who holds share in a few seconds?  These traders show not much interest in long term strategy like CSR activities or HR strategy, which can't generate a quick financial win.

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Gaddafi [D1.政治・経済・社会]


  Gaddafi was killed today. I went to Tripoli, Libya twice and spent around 2-3 weeks each time as a business trip 25 years ago. I remeber that Gaddafi governed the country which was far from the other democratic countries.

  New era will begin in Libya like Egypt. This will, however, be a big challenge for them. Hope I will have a chance to see new Jamahiriya (Libya) in the future. Inshallah...

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中国、インドなしでもびくともしない日本経済 [D1.政治・経済・社会]



  • 作者: 増田 悦佐
  • 出版社/メーカー: PHP研究所
  • 発売日: 2011/03/23
  • メディア: 単行本


55books in 2011

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Bowling [A4.筋力トレーニング]


    We had annual bowling tournament today with 390 bowlers. In Singapore,the bowling boom came in early 90's. That is why 40's are good player. In case of Japan, it is 50's like me,,,.

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Water Conservation [人事5-CSR・健康経営・人事部・労務]


  We received water conservation award from PUB at MacRitche reservoir tonight. Many of the above banners are displayed around this reservoir. bit embarrassed,,.


MacRitchie Reservoir

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NHKスペシャル 長寿遺伝子 [A5.健康メンテナンス]




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Heart works 2 - EDB & Partners: New Frontiers for the Singapore Economy [D1.シンガポール]


Fifty years is a solid milestone for any organisation. For the Singapore Economic Development Board, it is a time to recharge for the challenges ahead, but also to reflect on core values and the course of its evolution. The agency's drive and determination are derived from a resilience embedded in its organisational culture - in particular, the exercise of leadership at all levels, from the formulation of strategy to adroitness on the ground in anticipating and meeting the needs of investors and rallying the necessary partners from all quarters.

Looking to the next half-century, as new frontiers are crossed, the focus shifts to fostering an even deeper connectedness to Singapore. The city-state is being enhanced, in every way feasible, as a "home" in Asia, in all its senses, for business, innovation and talent. The Republic's well-honed and well-known key attributes of trust, knowledge, connectedness and high standard of living make it very well-placed to be a "living lab" to develop new sustainable solutions for tomorrow's global opportunities in emerging areas such as the urban environment, health and wellness, lifestyle and entertainment.

Singapore is aiming to equip itself to be always ready to be a home for the high-growth industries of the future. And, so long as the EDB and its partners keep in touching distance of the most promising new frontiers, Singapore should remain "future-ready".

54books in 2011

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どうする?日本企業 [D4.経営戦略]

どうする? 日本企業

どうする? 日本企業

  • 作者: 三品和広
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2011/08/04
  • メディア: 単行本










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組織潜在力 [人事1 組織改革]

組織潜在力 その活用の原理・原則

組織潜在力 その活用の原理・原則

  • 作者: 小林 惠智
  • 出版社/メーカー: プレジデント社
  • 発売日: 2008/01/23
  • メディア: 単行本





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新堕落論~石原慎太郎 [D1.政治・経済・社会]

新・堕落論―我欲と天罰 (新潮新書)

新・堕落論―我欲と天罰 (新潮新書)

  • 作者: 石原 慎太郎
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
  • 発売日: 2011/07
  • メディア: 単行本




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Brand Strategy [D5.マーケティング]

I attended Brand Summit today. The following is my thought about brand. A Company’s reason for existence is to fulfill the social needs of Society. Naturally this requires the brand(company) and customer (social needs) to be close to each other for mutual benefit. With the proliferation of network devices and social media applications, now more than ever, brand-customer communications have become easier …. And more pervasive.With the ease of information exchange, brand differentiation becomes more difficult and takes on an added significance. Besides delivering product or service benefits, communicating what a brand stands for is crucial. A company’s product or service should reflect its mission/values and these mission/values should beattractive points that resonates to the customer so that they welcome being more engaged with the brand.
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Steve Jobs [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


It is with great regret that Steve Jobs has passed away.

He was a great innovator, having passionate vision and a really leader but not a manager.

Some books mentioned that he did what manager should not do.

I wonder how to become a real leader.

I would like to share with you the following article which explains the principles which Steve was known for and I believe that we can learn from him. .


Steve Jobs: He Saw Genius in Our Craziness

By Carmine Gallo, Forbes

The news that Steve Jobs died struck me very hard and I believe it’s because few business leaders have the ability to make deep, meaningful and personal connections with their customers.  And he did it time and time again.  He took computers out of the hands of hobbyists and put them in the hands of everyday people so they could change the world.  He made computers fun, enjoyable and inspiring.  He made it a joy to explore, share and consume music.  He brought animation back to the movie and turned my simple cell phone into a powerful instrument for entertainment and business productivity.  His iPad changed the very nature of computers and how we interact with electronics in our lives.  And for a communications coach like myself, Steve Jobs taught me that a presentation can, indeed, inspire.

In my research on Steve Jobs I identified 7 principles that I believe were largely responsible for his success.  Today I urge you to adopt these principles in your own lives and in your business so we can carry on his legacy and move the world forward with vision and optimism.

Principle One: Do what you love.  Jobs once said, “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Life is too short, he said, for living someone else’s dream.  Don’t spend another minute doing something or working for someone who doesn’t inspire you to higher levels of achievement.

Principle Two: Put a dent in the universe.  Steve Jobs believed in the power of vision.  He once asked then Pepsi President John Sculley, do you want to spend your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?  Don’t lose sight of the big vision.

Principle Three: Connect things.  Steve Jobs once said creativity is connecting things.  He meant that people with a broad set of life experiences can often see things that others miss.  He said the Macintosh was great because the people working on it were artists, poets, and historians who could also understand computers.  Don’t live in a bubble.  Hire outside of your industry.  Hire for attitude and creativity.

Principle Four: Say no to 1,000 things.  Steve Jobs said he was as proud of what Apple chose not to do as he was of what Apple did.  In apple’s world, simplicity is the elimination of clutter.  Anything that clutters the user experience is eliminated.  That’s why there’s only one button on the front of an iPad or why there is no built-in keyboard on an iPhone.  Apple’s products are popular because they are simple, elegant and easy to use.  It all started with Steve Jobs asking, “what can we remove?”

Principle Five: Create insanely different experiences.  Steve Jobs created many product innovations, of course, but he also innovated around the customer service experience and I think it’s a part of his legacy that might not be fully appreciated.  When Steve Jobs first came with the concept for the Apple Stores he said they would be different because instead of just moving boxes, the stores would enrich lives.  Everything about the experience you have when you walk into an Apple store is intended to enrich your life and to create an emotional connection between you and the Apple brand.  What are you doing to enrich the lives of your customers?

Principle Six: Master the message.  You can have the greatest idea in the world but if you can’t communicate your ideas, it doesn’t matter.  Steve Jobs was the world’s greatest corporate storyteller.  Instead of simply delivering a presentation like most people do, he informed, he educated, he inspired and he entertained, all in one presentation.  Thank goodness YouTube has captured all of his presentations.  Don’t give another presentation without watching Steve Jobs introduce the iPhone in 2007.  You’ll never give a presentation the same way again.

Principle Seven: Sell dreams, not products.  Steve Jobs captured our imagination because he really understood his customer.  In 1997, when Apple was close to bankruptcy, Steve Jobs said he would reduce the number of products Apple sold to satisfy the needs of their core customers.  At the time, he said, “some people think you’ve got to be crazy to buy a mac, but in that craziness we genius and those are the people we’re making tools for.”  Your customers don’t care about your product.  They care about themselves, their hopes, their ambitions.  Steve jobs taught us that if you help your customers reach their dreams, you’ll win them over.

There’s one story that I think sums up Steve Jobs’ career at Apple.  An executive who had the job of reinventing the Disney Store once called up Jobs and asked for advice.  Steve’s advice? Dream bigger.  I think that’s the best advice he could leave us with.  See genius in your craziness, believe in yourself, believe in your vision, and be constantly prepared to defend those ideas.  Because it’s those ideas that could potentially change the world.  God, I’ll miss him


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日本の未来について話そう REIMAGINING JAPAN [D2.日本史・世界史・近未来]



  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 小学館
  • 発売日: 2011/07/01
  • メディア: 単行本
REIMAGINING JAPAN: The Quest for a Future That Works

REIMAGINING JAPAN: The Quest for a Future That Works

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: VIZ Media LLC
  • 発売日: 2011/07/12
  • メディア: ハードカバー
  •  There are several suggestion or wish to Japan to resume. I really think that Japan should restart.
  • ●変革へのギアチェンジ カルロスゴーン


In the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis of March 2011, Japan has become a bigger part of the world’s consciousness than it has been for years. But Japan also is grappling with other problems that, over the long run, pose a much greater challenge to its national well-being than the devastation in Tohoku.... How can the country compete with a rising China? Cope with a fast-aging society? Deal with its enormous debt? Rediscover its entrepreneurial verve? Regain its position as a leader in technology and innovation? In Reimagining Japan, McKinsey & Company, the world’s top management consulting firm, asked more than 80 global leaders and experts to consider these questions. In essays brimming with insight, affection and occasional humor, the authors offer their assessments of Japan’s past, present and --most important -- future. What sets Reimagining Japan apart is the breadth and diversity of its contributors. They range from Fortune 500 CEOs to acclaimed writers (including three Pulitzer Prize winners) to a star videogame creator, a soccer coach, a school principal and a manga artist. There has not been such a comprehensive book about Japan in the past generation - and perhaps ever.

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Intercompany Golf [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]

Horizon Hills 132 F5(36% P2) P41(X3) B8(8) I67(P5) ドラコン1
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ゴルフ [A3-a ゴルフ計画・結果]



Horison Hills 132 F5(36% P2) P41 B8 P5 I62


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