人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション ブログトップ
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Innovation [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


  This subject – Innovation, is often on my mind.  

   Many people often comment that the company needs to breakthrough with innovation, invest more in innovative fields, have engineers who can come up with great ideas, etc.  

   However, no products or services could really be considered as innovative at the incubation period as it depends very much on the response from the market.    

    So how confident are you in marketing the products or services? Are you able to take risks? Are you ready to assume the responsibility should they fail?  

    By the way, are you even taking calculated risk in your work? If not, you might become a bottleneck of innovation.   

    I strongly think fostering of innovative culture within the company by encouraging calculated risk taking is crucial in driving innovation.   

    It is no doubt frightening to take risk on your own. I do not think you will have the courage to walk through a crossroad by yourself when the traffic light shows stop sign.

    But what if there are hundreds of people walking together with you?


    I hope many of you will start taking calculated risk in your work as it will certainly encourage others to do so.    

     Only then will innovation follow.

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イノベーションのDNA - The Innovator's DNA [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

イノベーションのDNA 破壊的イノベータの5つのスキル (Harvard Business School Press)

イノベーションのDNA 破壊的イノベータの5つのスキル (Harvard Business School Press)

  • 作者: クレイトン・クリステンセン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 翔泳社
  • 発売日: 2012/01/18
  • メディア: 単行本

  これは、素直にいい本です。どうやってinnovationを起こさせるのか、非凡な人だけの特権のようにいわれているこのスキルを科学的(経験学的)に分析し、普遍性を持たせるという論旨です。だれでもSteave Jobsになれるということですかね。




 ●質問の大切さ;最初は「現状把握」の質問、次に「可能性探求」の質問。Q/A ratio Question>Answer.

 ●映画で英語ができるようになったブラジル人をみて、Movie Mouthは映画をスローモーションさせるプロダクトを開発する。英語を学ぶためには通例の商品ではなく、映画の方が効果的(美しい英語を話す)という事を発見。俳優のセリフ回しは早過ぎるため、学習には向かなかった。スピードを落とすソリューションが商品に。→アノマリー(異常)を発見し、それを説明できるようになると、Innovationが起こる。






 ●Improvement start from "I".



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Think! [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

untitled.jpgThink! No.40(2012 WINTER)

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2012/01
  • メディア: 大型本
9 books in 2012

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ストラテジック マインド  The Mind of The Strategist;: The Art of Japanese Business [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: 大前 研一
  • 出版社/メーカー: プレジデント社
  • 発売日: 1984/01/15
  • メディア: 単行本


 A Masterful Analysis of Company, Customer, and Competition Kenichi Ohmae - voted by The Economist as "one of the world's top five management gurus" - changed the landscape of management strategy in "The Mind of the Strategist". In this compelling account of global business domination, Ohmae reveals the vital thinking processes and planning techniques of prominent companies, showing why they work, and how any company can benefit from them. Filled with case studies of strategic thinking in action, Ohmae's classic work inspires today's managers to excel to new heights of bold, imaginative thinking and solutions. "In many ways, Ohmae can be considered the modern reincarnation of a much older guru, Adam Smith." -"Journal of Marketing". "A fascinating window into the mind of one of Japan's premier strategists...full of ideas about how to improve strategic thinking."- Michael E. Porter, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University


74 books in 2011

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コーチングマネジメント [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: 伊藤 守
  • 出版社/メーカー: ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン
  • 発売日: 2002/07/24
  • メディア: 単行本

●The forgetting curve by Ebbinghaus hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time. A related concept is the strength of memory that refers to the durability that memory traces in the brain. The stronger the memory, the longer period of time that a person is able to recall it. A typical graph of the forgetting curve purports to show that humans tend to halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they consciously review the learned material.


20 mins later = forget 42%

1 day later = forget 74%

1 months later = forget 79%

73books in 2011

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Harvard Business Review 2011 Aug [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2011年 08月号 [雑誌]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2011年 08月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
  • 発売日: 2011/07/11
  • メディア: 雑誌
( Co-Creative Enterprise)
In co-creation, strategy formulation inolves imagining a new value chain that benefits all players in the ecosystem.
●Intranet "ID-Click" by Orange French Telecom
   When employees post their idea of process improvement etc and comment,
      they can get the points. 93,000idea→realize 7,500 projects→E600Mil for 3 years.
72 books in 2011

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Think! [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Think! No.39(2011 AUTUMN)

Think! No.39(2011 AUTUMN)

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2011/10
  • メディア: 大型本
●外部招聘型リーダーは、”だれがこの組織のインフォーマル リーダーなのか”といったことを短期間に把握しなければならない。
71 books in 2011

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Harvard Business Review 2012 Jan [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2012年 01月号 [雑誌]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2012年 01月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
  • 発売日: 2011/12/10
  • メディア: 雑誌
  Don't you think that the real leadership can be found in the war time?  This issue tell this. I wonder whether my leadership works in the wartime or not.
  Which boss do you like?
  a. He doesn't force you to do an unreasonable task ignoring the rule, but doesn't take care of you privately.
  b. He sometimes forces you to do an unreasonable task ignoring the rule, but takes care of you privately,too.
  The percentage of b selection is as follows;
  The leader has to have a sympathetic contact.
67 books in 2011

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Transaction Cost Theory by Oliver E. Williamson [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


   When we deal with unknown people, we will investigate them before the deal. Even in the internal organization, we do a preparation to pursuade others. This is the transaction cost , which is normally intangible.

  This is why there are intraparty factions to save this transaction cost in the politic world.

  I think in the business world the shared value in the company works to save this cost in this context.

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Suggestion Box [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


  When we talk about Sugestion Box in Japan, it reminds us Shougun Yoshimune Tokugawa who is reported to introduce Meyasu-bako (Suggestion Box) first in Japan (1721) collecting various suggestion such as setting up a hospital for poor people .

    So it is very traditional and common way to improve the organization effeciency in Japan. Toyota is one of the companies which has introduced Suggestion box. In 1980s they collected 800,000 suggestions yearly - 17 per employee and equivalent to US$230mil annual cost saving. 

   The key sucess factor of this is to advocate employees to paticipate in the management.

   So in order the employees to have the ownership of the company and contribute it's efficiency actually, Suggestion box becomes one of the effective tool.

  Suggestion Box article

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Steve Jobs [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

スティーブ・ジョブズ II

スティーブ・ジョブズ II

  • 作者: ウォルター・アイザックソン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 講談社
  • 発売日: 2011/11/02
  • メディア: 単行本
Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

  • 作者: Walter Isaacson
  • 出版社/メーカー: Simon & Schuster
  • 発売日: 2011/10/24
  • メディア: ハードカバー
   This is Steve's biography. I found why he could make a lot of innovations. He was a really unque guy. He always wanted to create innovative devices as simple as possible having the design beaty. His motto is " think diffrent". He said that a company has to have a sublime mission and think what they can do for the society - not make money-. This is what Peter Drucker has always advocated.
  He may not be a good manager but certainly a innovator and a leader.

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Steve Jobs [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


It is with great regret that Steve Jobs has passed away.

He was a great innovator, having passionate vision and a really leader but not a manager.

Some books mentioned that he did what manager should not do.

I wonder how to become a real leader.

I would like to share with you the following article which explains the principles which Steve was known for and I believe that we can learn from him. .


Steve Jobs: He Saw Genius in Our Craziness

By Carmine Gallo, Forbes

The news that Steve Jobs died struck me very hard and I believe it’s because few business leaders have the ability to make deep, meaningful and personal connections with their customers.  And he did it time and time again.  He took computers out of the hands of hobbyists and put them in the hands of everyday people so they could change the world.  He made computers fun, enjoyable and inspiring.  He made it a joy to explore, share and consume music.  He brought animation back to the movie and turned my simple cell phone into a powerful instrument for entertainment and business productivity.  His iPad changed the very nature of computers and how we interact with electronics in our lives.  And for a communications coach like myself, Steve Jobs taught me that a presentation can, indeed, inspire.

In my research on Steve Jobs I identified 7 principles that I believe were largely responsible for his success.  Today I urge you to adopt these principles in your own lives and in your business so we can carry on his legacy and move the world forward with vision and optimism.

Principle One: Do what you love.  Jobs once said, “People with passion can change the world for the better.” Life is too short, he said, for living someone else’s dream.  Don’t spend another minute doing something or working for someone who doesn’t inspire you to higher levels of achievement.

Principle Two: Put a dent in the universe.  Steve Jobs believed in the power of vision.  He once asked then Pepsi President John Sculley, do you want to spend your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?  Don’t lose sight of the big vision.

Principle Three: Connect things.  Steve Jobs once said creativity is connecting things.  He meant that people with a broad set of life experiences can often see things that others miss.  He said the Macintosh was great because the people working on it were artists, poets, and historians who could also understand computers.  Don’t live in a bubble.  Hire outside of your industry.  Hire for attitude and creativity.

Principle Four: Say no to 1,000 things.  Steve Jobs said he was as proud of what Apple chose not to do as he was of what Apple did.  In apple’s world, simplicity is the elimination of clutter.  Anything that clutters the user experience is eliminated.  That’s why there’s only one button on the front of an iPad or why there is no built-in keyboard on an iPhone.  Apple’s products are popular because they are simple, elegant and easy to use.  It all started with Steve Jobs asking, “what can we remove?”

Principle Five: Create insanely different experiences.  Steve Jobs created many product innovations, of course, but he also innovated around the customer service experience and I think it’s a part of his legacy that might not be fully appreciated.  When Steve Jobs first came with the concept for the Apple Stores he said they would be different because instead of just moving boxes, the stores would enrich lives.  Everything about the experience you have when you walk into an Apple store is intended to enrich your life and to create an emotional connection between you and the Apple brand.  What are you doing to enrich the lives of your customers?

Principle Six: Master the message.  You can have the greatest idea in the world but if you can’t communicate your ideas, it doesn’t matter.  Steve Jobs was the world’s greatest corporate storyteller.  Instead of simply delivering a presentation like most people do, he informed, he educated, he inspired and he entertained, all in one presentation.  Thank goodness YouTube has captured all of his presentations.  Don’t give another presentation without watching Steve Jobs introduce the iPhone in 2007.  You’ll never give a presentation the same way again.

Principle Seven: Sell dreams, not products.  Steve Jobs captured our imagination because he really understood his customer.  In 1997, when Apple was close to bankruptcy, Steve Jobs said he would reduce the number of products Apple sold to satisfy the needs of their core customers.  At the time, he said, “some people think you’ve got to be crazy to buy a mac, but in that craziness we genius and those are the people we’re making tools for.”  Your customers don’t care about your product.  They care about themselves, their hopes, their ambitions.  Steve jobs taught us that if you help your customers reach their dreams, you’ll win them over.

There’s one story that I think sums up Steve Jobs’ career at Apple.  An executive who had the job of reinventing the Disney Store once called up Jobs and asked for advice.  Steve’s advice? Dream bigger.  I think that’s the best advice he could leave us with.  See genius in your craziness, believe in yourself, believe in your vision, and be constantly prepared to defend those ideas.  Because it’s those ideas that could potentially change the world.  God, I’ll miss him


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米国製エリートは本当にすごいのか? [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: 佐々木 紀彦
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2011/07/08
  • メディア: 単行本



Sound Concepts - Student Book

Sound Concepts - Student Book

  • 作者: Marnie Reed
  • 出版社/メーカー: McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT
  • 発売日: 2005/03/15
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

シラバス (Syllabus) とは、日本では講義・授業の大まかな学習計画のこと。米国では、各回講義内容から教員連絡方法まで、個別講義の受講に関して必要な情報をすべて盛り込んだメモのこと

●Openware Cource



 47 books in 2011

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Breaking Away - Dear CEO [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Breaking Away: How Great Leaders Create Innovation that Drives Sustainable Growth--and Why Others Fail

Breaking Away: How Great Leaders Create Innovation that Drives Sustainable Growth--and Why Others Fail

  • 作者: Jane Stevenson
  • 出版社/メーカー: McGraw-Hill
  • 発売日: 2011/02/22
  • メディア: ハードカバー


● If you ask people what the biggest obstacle to innovation is, they won't say technology or ideas or even opportunity;they'll tell you it's people. Senior managers say their people don't care. they're not showing initiative or enterprise. Their people say they're micromanaged and processed to death,that they're not empowered to try out new ideas, and if they do try and fail, it's their heads. Everyone blames everyone else for their company's lack of innovation, or what one midlevel managers calls"nonovation".

●Taking the time to listen and engage with those around you will never be a top priority in a crisis-driven,fear-based enviroment. These environments are too focused on the short term to see or reap the rewards that a networking-oriented, high-connectivity enviroment creats.Remember, you can never take advantage of opportunities to creat new products,services,or markets if you don't know they exist. The cost of an insular enviroment will always be higher than you think. Why? Because you will never know what you don't know.

●Do not attempt to walk through life without a dream, without a hope, without a goal to achieve success. by Luis Noboa Naranjo

●Establish success metrics of innovation.


About the Book

The key to generating growth and shareholder value today is the ability to develop and embed innovation into every facet of business. But how do you do that?

Leadership. It takes a business leader with vision and a sense of accountability to merge corporate culture and innovation processes into a powerful, self-sustaining engine that dominates markets. Without that kind of leadership, a company is just spinning its wheels.

Breaking Away provides the framework to be that leader—and to create other leaders who will drive your company into a future of profits and growth.

Pioneers in the field of innovation leadership, Jane Stevenson and Bilal Kaafarani provide a simple but powerful model for breaking away from your industry pack by fully utilizing your employees, technology, and resources.

44books in 2011

Dear CEO


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上司のやってはいけない! [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: 内海 正人
  • 出版社/メーカー: クロスメディア・パブリッシング(インプレス)
  • 発売日: 2011/07/13
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)


部下はあなたの“ここ”を見ている ! 残念な上司にならないための95項目を紹介。

43books in 2011

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Harvard Business Review 2011 Sep [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2011年 09月号 [雑誌]

Harvard Business Review (ハーバード・ビジネス・レビュー) 2011年 09月号 [雑誌]

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
  • 発売日: 2011/08/10
  • メディア: 雑誌


●Tha Wise Leader 「実践知」を身につけよ賢慮のリーダー

●Are You A Good Boss - Or a Great One? 自己診断で学習できるリーダーの成長が止まる時

42books in 2011

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あなたの話はなぜ、「通じない」のか [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

あなたの話はなぜ「通じない」のか (ちくま文庫)

あなたの話はなぜ「通じない」のか (ちくま文庫)

  • 作者: 山田 ズーニー
  • 出版社/メーカー: 筑摩書房
  • 発売日: 2006/12
  • メディア: 文庫


 38 books in 2011

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Building People 2 : Sunday Emails from a CEO [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


 I am writing the direct e-mail and blog to my colleagues. So one of my staff gave me this book to read. His communication way is interesting. Some article are relevant to my concern.

  Mr.Liew Mun Leong is the Group President and CEO of CapitaLand Ltd, South East Asia's largest listed real estate company.He frequently writes "hobby emails" to his colleagues and shares his vision, core values and strategy in a simple and sincere way as Sunday Emails from CEO.

Service standards in crisis

In his book he warned the poor service level of retail industry in Singapore which have not been improved since he warned 20 years ago. And most of Singaporean upset this poor service .

"If the service sector continues to decline this way, it will affect Singapore as a global city," said Capitaland Group CEO Liew Mun Leong, the keynote speaker at a forum to get industry leaders to address the service issue. "If unabated, we will lose out to cities like Hong Kong, Tokyo and Shanghai," he added.

For Singapore to lift its dismal standards and compete effectively with top global cities for visitors, CEOs must show that they are serious about changing things. It simply is not good enough to blame the unhelpful sales girl or inattentive waiter, or say that Singaporeans do not have genuine smiles or "the service DNA".

"It is not good enough to conveniently leave it to our human-resource or training department or marketing guys to make the change. The CEO must ultimately be responsible for service in the company," he said.

Under fire at the forum were the retail and food and beverage sectors.

Mr Liew, who is also chairman of Changi Airport Group, shared how he had encountered bad service several times, including at the airport itself, and how he has taken to sending feedback instantly, via his BlackBerry. Trying to buy toiletries at a duty- free shop, he was sent on a wild goose chase across the terminal building, he said.


Quotes from Liew Mun Leong

"The job on top is a lonely one. But if you want to lead, you have to be one of the troops too."

"If you have the ability to lead, it will be a waste for the company, society and yourself, if you deny that responsibility."

"If you can't or don't communicate, you can't lead. An uncommunicative leader will not last long."

"The job makes you. You grow on the job. You can outgrow the job or the job can outgrow you."

"A fast decision is better than a right decision. But if a fast decision is wrong, it is better to make a U-turn fast. "

"Human resource is not human capital, unless we invest in it."

"I was trained as an engineer and wanted to be a good professional engineer. I spent many years doing that. I had never thought of becoming a CEO."

"Many of the solutions we arrive at are because there are no better alternatives. We know we just have to make them work for us somehow."

"In solving our many difficult problems, 'application precedes theory'. After we accomplish something, we then begin to think of a theory to explain how and why it works."


37 books in 2011

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The Invisible Gorilla 錯覚の科学 Illusion [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

【Synopsis】If a gorilla walked out into the middle of a basketball pitch, you'd notice it. Wouldn't you? If a serious violent crime took place just next to you, you'd remember it, right? The Invisible Gorilla is a fascinating look at the unbelievable, yet routine tricks that your brain plays on you. In an award-winning and groundbreaking study, psychologists Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons asked volunteers to watch a 60-second film of a group of students playing basketball and told them to count the number of passes made. About halfway through, a woman dressed head to toe in a gorilla outfit slowly moved to centre screen, beat her chest at the camera, and casually strolled away. Unbelievably, almost half of the volunteers missed the gorilla. As this astonishing and utterly unique new book demonstrates, exactly the same kind of mental illusion that causes people to miss the gorilla can also explain why many other things, including why: * honest eyewitness testimony can convict innocent defendants * expert money managers suddenly lose billions * Homer Simpson has much to teach you about clear thinking Insightful, witty, and fascinating, The Invisible Gorilla closely examines the false impressions that most profoundly influence our lives and gives practical advice on how we can minimize their negative impact.
● 自分の実力ほど客観視できないものはない。「能力不足と無自覚」が自信過剰を生む。あるスキルを習得したての時は、能力は低いが自信は強くなる-自信過剰である。能力が向上するとともに自信も強まるが、その度合いはゆるやかだ。結果として、能力が高まるにつれ、自信の度合は実力に見合ったものになる。
【内容紹介】あなたの「記憶」は、「思い込み」と「錯覚」でできている――12年前、著者たちはハーバード大学の学生を集めてある実験を行った。バスケの試合のビデオを被験者に見せ、片方のチームがパスを通した回数を数えさせるというもの。ごく簡単な実験に見えるが、じつは仕掛けがあった。試合中、ゴリラの着ぐるみを着た学生がコートに乱入し、カメラに向かって胸を叩くポーズまでしてみせたのだ。ところが、被験者の約半分はゴリラにまったく気づかなかった。そればかりか、実験後に同じ映像を被験者に見せると、「ビデオがすり替えられた」と実験者を批判する者まであらわれたという。この実験は、ヒトの注意力がいかにあてにならないかを示してみせた。これを著者は「注意力の錯覚」と呼ぶ。実験結果は認知科学の学術専門誌『Perception』に掲載されて反響を呼び、現在も多数の論文に引用されている。クリストファー・チャブリス&ダニエル・シモンズ著の「錯覚の科学 あなたの脳が大ウソをつく」では、この他に「記憶の錯覚」「理解の錯覚」「自信の錯覚」「理由の錯覚」「隠れた才能の錯覚」という合計6つの心理的錯覚が紹介され、具体的な事件、実験から、人間の認知のメカニズムの陥穽が明らかにされる。「記憶の錯覚」とは、他人の印象深い体験談を別の人に話しているうち、あたかも自分が体験したことのように思いこんでしまうケース。たとえばヒラリー・クリントンは08年大統領選の時、「ボスニア紛争の際、ヘリで着陸した途端、狙撃兵の銃火を浴びた」という体験談を披露した。だが、ワシントンポストが実際の着陸映像を検証すると、ヒラリーは観衆に手を振りながら安全にホテルまで移動していた。「ウソつき」と指弾されたヒラリーは、一挙に劣勢となった。じつは人間は過去の体験を思い出すとき、その体験をリプレイしながら記憶を取り出している。このメカニズムのため、他人の印象深い体験談を思い出すときも、同じプロセスを経て記憶が再生されてしまう。その過程でミスが生じ、あたかも自分の体験であるかのように思い込んでしまうのである。ウソをついたのはヒラリーではなく、ヒラリーの記憶なのである。ほかにも、レイプ事件の被害者が全く別人を“犯人”と特定したために起きた冤罪事件や、「モーツァルトを聞くと頭が良くなる」という錯覚を暴く実験など、興味深いケースが豊富に盛り込まれている。
27books in 2011




  • 作者: チップ・ハース
  • 出版社/メーカー: 日経BP社
  • 発売日: 2008/11/06
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

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人は見た目が9割 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

人は見た目が9割 (新潮新書)

人は見た目が9割 (新潮新書)

  • 作者: 竹内 一郎
  • 出版社/メーカー: 新潮社
  • 発売日: 2005/10
  • メディア: 新書




●日本人の「語らぬ文化」  欧州の場合のような都市国家や商人社会でなく、日本は農耕文化で語らぬてもよかった。アメリカ人はそもそも多民族国家だから、相手に「わからせよう」とする気持ちが強い。相手にわかってもらわなければ、自分の権利も危うい。


25books in 2011

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Think No36 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Think! No.36 ―クリエイティブシンキング

Think! No.36 ―クリエイティブシンキング

  • 作者:
  • 出版社/メーカー: 東洋経済新報社
  • 発売日: 2011/01/21
  • メディア: 大型本

 小山龍介さんのCreative Hacksが面白かったですね。

2005年にUSのビジネスウィークに掲載された「BからDへ」の記事によると、企業がもはやBBusiness Schoolではなく、D(Design) Schoolの学生を採用するようになってきた。D Schoolは、過去のDesignと同じものをつくっても全く評価されない世界である。過去を学ぶことは重要だけれども、そこから新しい付加価値を加えることができなければ、存在価値はないのだ。








これをみつけようとするのが例のKey Graphである。


【特集】新しい価値を創造する クリエイティブシンキング


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徳‐Virtue [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

 Don't you think ”徳‐Virtue" is vital for our life? Probably everybody agree this which we have learned in the primary school time. However I don't see so much that people have this particularly in the business world.

  The most of the case, the founder of the company have this. I deem that the successful business man like founders seek for the future to sustain their business success. So naturally they look into nuturing the people as the long term strategy.

  Mr.Katsuya Nomura - famous Japanese baseball coach quotes Mr.Shinpei Goto's word

 "People who make fortune are below average in life. Those who have built successful businesses are average. Those who have nurtured people are at the top in life."

  However, the non-founder leaders have to seek the short term business sucess to be in the leaders' position in order to execute the long term strategy. It takes a long time to nuture the people so that it becomes the second priority for them.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology. Maslow's theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire the secondary or higher level needs. 1.     Physiological needs; they are the literal requirements for human survival2.     Safety needs; physical safety and financial safety3.     Love and belonging; social and involve feelings of belongingness. Friendship, Intimacy and Family.4.     Esteem; self-esteem and self-respect5.     Self-actualization; desire to become what can be at the maximum level. To act as we want , then eventually this works for others


  According to this theory, these non-founder leaders reach at the level 4. It means that they are not fully satisfied in their life.

   This is ironic...


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The leadership Dojo [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

The Leadership Dojo: Build Your Foundation as an Exemplary Leader

The Leadership Dojo: Build Your Foundation as an Exemplary Leader

  • 作者: Richard Strozzi-Heckler
  • 出版社/メーカー: Frog Books
  • 発売日: 2007/09/04
  • メディア: ハードカバー

  I received this book for the leadership training seminar, which was rather difficult to understand by using conceptional wording. 

●Leaders cultivate the self in order to better serve others.

●If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain

 If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees.

 If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people.

 by Chinese proverb

●Make a list of the habits and routines you're currently engaged in. Are these habits and routines relevant to who you're becoming as a leader and where you want to go?

●people stated that the believability of someone's message was influenced 7 percent by contents, 38 percent by voice tone and tempo, and 55 percent by body language.

【Synopsis】History is filled with accounts of great leaders, but how did they become so? Written for emergent leaders in any endeavor, this new work from renowned consultant Richard Strozzi-Heckler offers a new approach to leadership. The first book of its kind to base business and management strength on integral body awareness, the book presents key principles such as shugyo, or self-cultivation, as crucial in developing the individual responsibility, social commitment, and moral and spiritual vision required to lead with authority and efficacy. The Leadership Dojo is based on three questions: What does a leader do? What are the character values most essential to exemplary leadership? How do you teach these values?

18 books in 2011

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Asian Leadership: What Works [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

Asian Leadership: What Works

Asian Leadership: What Works

  • 作者: Dave Ulrich
  • 出版社/メーカー: McGraw-Hill Singapore - Professional
  • 発売日: 2010/09/24
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

●Asian leaders need to help individuals build and manage their personal careers.Individuals need to find a balancce between deep expertise and broad generalist abilities. Skilled leaders help individuals make informed choices about the extent to which they should be specialists or generalists. Leaders also help employees gain relevant competencies that are consistent with their personal choices,values and goals.Skilled leaders also help their organizations manage careers like a "T",where there is an appropriate balance between deep vertical expertise and broad knowledge,interpersonal skills and personal connections inside and outside the organization.

●Create a strategic story

●It was evident from the responses that Indian managers were defining leadership from the deeper perspective of core spiritual and human values, and not merely as a function of managerial skills.The core leadership values of character,spiritual strength and vision remain the cornerstone of the highest aspirations of managers.

●These powerful and interrelated driving forces have resulted in the need for a formal and comprehensive framework for managing expertise and developing careers at IBM. Around 1992, IBM began developing a "skill dictionary" to codify the skills that employees require. It has since evolved into what is today IBM's Expertise Taxonomy System (ETS), a company-wide database available on a website. It establishes a common language for all the different job roles, associated skills and competencies used across all business units in the company.

●In IBM ASEAN,identified high performance employees are systematically groomed to become future leaders in the company's ASEAN leaseship Group,under the sponsorship of the General Manager and members of the leadership Group.Known as the ASEAN Leadership Team (ALT), this promising community of 86 leaders from across all countries and business units in IBM ASEAN spend 18 months in developmental activities that prepare them to take on responsibilities as the next wave of senior leadership in the region.

●Forward-looking companies,such as Samusung,have created fabtastic system for online learning,self-assessment and ongoing leadership development support that meet organisational requirements while simultaneously meeting the development needs of the individual.

●as DBS celebrated our 40th anniversary, we challenged our people to develop 40 community initiatives, to be completed in 40 days, which would impact underpribileged children in the area of learning.


【Synopsis】Following the publication of Leadership in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities, the Singapore Ministry of Manpower convened a Third Executive Roundtable in 2010 to examine the various challenges confronting leadership renewal in the Asian business context, especially in the aftermath of the global financial meltdown and economic downturn of 2009. The intensive session, spread over two days, threw up illuminating examples and astute observations on the subject, which were peppered with thoughtful anecdotes and penetrating truths that will titillate the reader.

  1. Creating customer-centric actions
  2. Implementing strategy
  3. Getting past the past
  4. Governing through decision making
  5. Inspiring collective meaning making
  6. Capitalising on capability
  7. Developing careers
  8. Generating leaders


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FYI For Strategic Effectiveness [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]


 We are going to develop our next leader defining the vital skill/competencies based on the methodology in this book.


 Cluster H; Upgrading the work place:? Great places to worrk attract great people. Great people create great place to work. Great people create engaing businesses and productive cultures. Engaing business attract talent. Talent plans for the future. It allworks?together.?????????????????????????????

?The fastest but the hardest way is to release the bottom performers. we all know the impact of one person who is pulling his or her weight. the rest have to work harder to compensate. The old saying that one bad apple can spoil the barrel is true. give them candid,timely,and actionable feedback. Put them on a short improvement plan. Provide all of the help that is practical. Closely monitor their progress. if there isn't a meaningful change, take decisive action.

?Cluster J; Accountability and rewards:? There are two things people want more than sex and money - recognition and praise. by Mary kay Ash, Founder, Mary Kay Cosmetics

?Become an open book - Compensation is a sensitive subject, and making compensation public is considered taboo in most work cultures. There is research evidence that secrecy creates more troubles than does openness.In a vacuum,employees can make all kinds of assumptions that lead to perceived inequities. Better that pay scales - at least the ranges for pay grades - are clearly communicated and there is no secret about employee grades. This becomes even more important at higher pay grades.Threatened? Why? At least give this serious thought. Openness will foster trust, not suspicion. While you're at it,consider how you can provide more information for employees about the organization's performance. Opening your books to the extent possible engenders a sense of ownership,loyalty,trust, and helps employees see ways they contribute to the organization's success. Openness is hallmark of high-performance culture.

?Cluster L; Managing Communication:? Use solid principles of communication? ・Two-way communication ・Solicit questions from hesitant employees ・ Involve the customer (survey,focus group) ・Consider the audience ・ Stay focused (casual events)


Manage strategic change


FYI For Strategic Effectiveness[トレードマーク]: Aligning People and Operational Practices to Strategies provides tips and resources for leaders responsible for strategic organizational change, culture management and business process alignment.

FYI For Strategic Effectiveness[トレードマーク] is used by business leaders and senior management to:

  • Create an operational system that is aligned with strategy
  • Align strategy with organizational capabilities
  • Develop a success profile for leaders and managers
  • Assess organizational culture
  • Determine merger or acquisition feasibility

Aligning systems with strategy


FYI For Strategic Effectiveness[トレードマーク] includes 95 Strategic Effectiveness Architect[トレードマーク] items related to manager and leader competencies. Each chapter includes:

  • Signpost?a description of the cluster and its importance
  • Items?with descriptors of unskilled and skilled
  • Causes?a list of the root causes that explain weakness in an item
  • Competency connections?that support the cluster
  • Map and remedies?the business landscape and tips for strengthening the item
  • Suggested readings?for learning about the cluster

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新聞取材 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]

DL Uemura San.jpg

CESに行った感想の取材があり、今日、シンガポールで一番有名なStrait TimesのThe Digital LifeというSupplement Issueの紙面に載りました。これでも紙面の1/3の大きさですから広告効果としては、まずまずですかね。

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すべては「前向き質問」でうまくいく [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: マリリーG・アダムス
  • 出版社/メーカー: ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン
  • 発売日: 2010/01/12
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)





あなたは、批判する人? 学ぶ人?
・ フィードバックを否定と捉える
・ 人との距離を考える

・ 自分自身や他人を受け入れる
・ 知らないことを尊重する
・ 柔軟・適応性がある
・ フィードバックを価値あるものと考える
・ 人とのつながりを感じる

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work (Inquiry Institute Library)

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work (Inquiry Institute Library)

  • 作者: Marilee G. Adams
  • 出版社/メーカー: Berrett-Koehler Pub
  • 発売日: 2009/06
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
Questions are at the core of how we listen, behave, think, and relate as individuals and organizations. Virtually everything we think and do is generated by questions. Questions push us into new territories. The future begins with our thinking, represented by the questions we ask ourselves. Change Your Questions, Change Your Life shows readers how to consistently choose the questions that can lead them to success, both personally and professionally. This technique, called "QuestionsThinking," stimulates innovation, accelerate productivity, and create more rewarding relationships. Change Your Questions, Change Your Life is a personal growth fable that tells how a seasoned executive, Ben Knight, uses QuestionThinking to move into a higher leadership role and how the same methods of change help him and his wife, Grace, enrich their marriage. Readers follow Ben as he first resists the lessons of the inquiring coach, assigned to him by his boss, Alexa Harte. Then Ben experiences breakthroughs both in his work with colleagues and in his marriage. The story of how Ben meets these challenges and ultimately succeeds is the perfect vehicle for revealing the exciting, practical new system of self-management and inquiry called QuestionThinking. In addition to Ben's experience, readers also learn about the powerful applications of QuestionThinking through the life experiences of secondary characters as they deal with real-life issues--from friendships to financial freedom--to which many of us can relate



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イノベーションの新時代 [人事2-コンピテンシー・イノベーション]



  • 作者: M S クリシュナン
  • 出版社/メーカー: 日本経済新聞出版社
  • 発売日: 2009/06/11
  • メディア: 単行本


The New Age of Innovation: Driving Cocreated Value Through Global Networks

The New Age of Innovation: Driving Cocreated Value Through Global Networks

  • 作者: C.K. Prahalad
  • 出版社/メーカー: McGraw-Hill
  • 発売日: 2008/04/08
  • メディア: ハードカバー

From the greatest minds in business today comes a groundbreaking new blueprint for executing the next stage of customer-created value. C.K. Prahalad, the world's premier business thinker, and IT scholar M.S. Krishnan unveil the critical missing link in connecting strategy to execution--building organizational capabilities that allow companies to achieve and sustain continuous change and innovation.

The New Age of Innovation reveals that the key to creating value and the future growth of every business depends on accessing a global network of resources to co-create unique experiences with customers, one at a time. To achieve this, CEOs, executives, and managers at every level must transform their business processes, technical systems, and supply chain management, implementing key social and technological infrastructure requirements to create an ongoing innovation advantage.

In this landmark work, Prahalad and Krishnan explain how to accomplish this shift--one where IT and the management architecture form the corporation's fundamental foundation. This book provides strategies for

  • Redesigning systems to co-create value with customers and connect all parts of a firm to this process
  • Measuring individual behavior through smart analytics
  • Ceaselessly improving the flexibility and efficiency in all customer-facing and back-end processes
  • Treating all involved individuals--customers, employees, investors, suppliers--as unique
  • Working across cultures and time-zones in a seamless global network
  • Building teams that are capable of providing high-quality, low-cost solutions rapidly

To successfully compete on the battlefields of 21st-century business, companies must reinvent their processes and culture in order to sustain innovative solutions. The New Age of Innovation is a complete program for achieving this transformation to meet the needs of the end consumer of the future.


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