帰ってきたヒトラー 上/下

  • 作者: ティムール ヴェルメシュ
  • 出版社/メーカー: 河出書房新社
  • 発売日: 2014/01/21
  • メディア: 単行本






世界的ベストセラー! ついに日本上陸。現代に突如よみがえったヒトラーが巻き起こす爆笑騒動の連続。ドイツで130万部、世界38ヶ国に翻訳された話題の風刺小説!
“Instead of asking why there is still such a profound anti-Semitism in German society today, we continue to say this crazy man is only person to blame. This is how Germans absolve themselves of any wrong-doing and responsibility. This Hitler is the sole person responsible for the war and genocide,” the author says.
Hitler continues to have a real fascination. If so many people helped him commit his crimes, it is because they liked him. People don’t elect a nut job. They elect someone whom they are attracted to and that they admire. To present him as a monster is to call those voted for him idiots. And that reassures us. We tell ourselves that today we are smarter. We would never elect a monster or a clown. But at the time, people where just as smart as us – this is what is so painful."

28 books in 2014