We have three days holiday in this weekend. So I can do more trainning. Last night, I did 1 km swimming training with my collegue in my pool. Then again I got up at 4 am this morning and started bike training with two collegues to ride on the same route as last weekend.

  Beggining was so smooth. There were not much car, so that we could maintain at 20km/h speed. Do you know this is just top olympic marathon runners' speed !  After realizing this, I kept this image as I was running and enjoyed the feeling of the top athelete , which I could never experience.

  After 25km ride, it started to rain. maybe shower. We evacuated time to time at the bus stop because it was really heavy rain. However it didn't stop at all. Yes, it was not a shower but just " heavy rain ".

  So we couldn't help continuing our ride back to home. The dump trucks beside us threw the rain water of the puddles over our heads. We were wet through and became like swimmers. So it means that we could do the swimming training at the same time, couldn't we ? - of cource not...

 Anyway we were back to home at 10 am. Oh, it took five hours to complete 42km !.