
  • 作者: 伊藤 守
  • 出版社/メーカー: ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン
  • 発売日: 2002/07/24
  • メディア: 単行本

●The forgetting curve by Ebbinghaus hypothesizes the decline of memory retention in time. A related concept is the strength of memory that refers to the durability that memory traces in the brain. The stronger the memory, the longer period of time that a person is able to recall it. A typical graph of the forgetting curve purports to show that humans tend to halve their memory of newly learned knowledge in a matter of days or weeks unless they consciously review the learned material.

20 mins later = forget 42%

1 day later = forget 74%

1 months later = forget 79%



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